Looking Up

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly.

    He delights in every detail of their lives.

Though they stumble, they will never fall,

    for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Psalm 37:23-24 (NLT)

Originally posted by Cultivate Vibrance on January 26, 2024. To read the full article click here.

The beginning of the new year is a great time for reevaluation. It is a natural break in our normally busy schedules and an opportunity to reset our lives. At the start of every year (or near the start of the new year) I spend time evaluating the journey God has taken me on over the last year and the lessons I have learned. As we consider the new year, the new joys and challenges ahead, it is important to take time out to remember what God has brought you through and also the vision he has given you for what’s ahead. Psalm 37:23-24 is one of my favorite verses. It reminds me that God cares about the details and intricacies of my life. He even takes delight in the details of my life. The Lord will not abandon me to figure it out on my own. It brings me so much comfort that God is a parent who will hold me by the hand and although I may stumble through life, sometimes tripping myself up he will never let me fall on my face. Here is a short prayer practice to help guide you as you step forward into the new year. 

Prayer Guide:

  1. Ask the Lord to direct your steps. Pray for a willingness and commitment to follow the Lord wherever he leads. If you are hesitating to commit, share those hesitations honestly with the Lord and pray for the desire to choose and follow wherever God leads. You can write it out if that would be helpful. Sit in silence a moment afterward. 

  2. Considering the last year, what are the lessons God taught you? 

  3. How did you see your faith grow?

  4. What dreams did God give you for your future?

  5. Are there any burdens from the previous year that you need to bring to Jesus?

  6. Is there anything God is asking you to leave behind?

  7. Notice any hesitations or difficulties that you may have as you think about the new year. Try to refrain from judging, analyzing, or criticizing. Write those down and offer them to God in prayer. Sit in silence a moment afterward.

  8. Read over your answers slowly. Does anything stand out?

  9. How did the Lord meet you? What do you sense the Lord is inviting you to?


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