Dominique Dawson Dominique Dawson

Looking Up

The beginning of the new year is a great time for reevaluation. It is a natural break in our normally busy schedules and an opportunity to reset our lives.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Navigating Difficult Emotions Around War, Genocide and Violence

In a world more connected than ever, we become more aware than ever of the darkness that is in the world. Being a witness to this horror impacts us more deeply than we know. It can bring up a multitude of emotions like disgust, horror, grief, fear, anger, and sadness, and usually all at the same time.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Communities of Care

There is also a beautiful mutuality in “Communities of Care” because it is not one-way, we are there for one another and supporting one another in whatever ways we can.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

"Just Try Baby."

How can engaging anger and disappointment bring you closer to God and help you love others? In this intimate conversation with spiritual care collaborator, Dominique Dawson, Chealsia learns about the prayer practices Dominique developed to help herself and others take account of losses, get to the bottom of desires, and experience God’s restoration.

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